Lake District Committees

Residents and non-residents have the ability to help shape the course, conservation, and stewardship of our lakes! Consider volunteering to sit on one or more of our committees!

All Commmittee Chairs

💵  Set agenda, dates and preside at committee meetings

🏛️  Secure meeting space

📅  Coordinate the development project recommendations for coming year(s)

💵  Present to the Board recommendations for annual budgets, funding recommendations and grant applications

🗣️  Present committee recommendations to the Board for approval

✔️  Assign tasks to committee members

📓  Provide status reports on activities to Board, General Meetings and Website

🤝  Attend training and informational meetings on committees topics

📝  Contribute articles/items for website

🙋  Recruit volunteers

⏲️  Track time of volunteers for grant reporting and recognition.

📃  Comply with WI Statutes

Committee Descriptions

💵  Audit treasury activities annually for fiscal integrity

✍  Prepare a written report on exceptions

🛶  Coordinate the monitoring of boat landings with inspectors and surveillance cameras

🤿  Hire inspectors, schedule coverage and advise Treasurer of salaries to be paid

📚  Facilitate annual training

💻  Update SWIM database online

📷  Interface with camera contractor regarding video monitoring, performance and maintenance

🕵️  Inspect both dams annually and submit an inspection report to the Board

📃  Ensure District compliance with DNR dam regulations and WI statues

💵  Procure maintenance contractors as need.

✍  Implement Lake Management Plan and pursue improved water quality

📌  Implement the Aquatic Plant Management Plan

📝  Update the Lake Management Plan every 5 years and acquire DNR approval

📋  Update the Aquatic Plant Management Plan every 5 years and acquire DNR approval

🙋  Coordinate the Citizens Lake Monitoring Program to record water clarity readings throughout the summer months

✒️  Hire contractors to prevent & control AIS

🌿  Serve as the focal point for AIS identification

📚  Maintain the AIS Educational Kiosks at the landings

🚩  Seasonally place and remove buoys. Procure replacement buoys

🔭  Monitor depth of channels and procure dredging contractors as needed for dredging

🙋  Facilitate events to build community and volunteerism

🚤  Coordinate the 4th of July Parade and the Spring District Dinner

🌐  Maintain the District website and domain name (

📧  Facilitate the posting of all documents, meeting notices, minutes, photos, articles, links etc.

📃  Periodically refresh content and annually move official documents to archive pages

📈  Audit website traffic and promote usage and contributions at District meetings

⚖️  Advise and assist Board on legal matters, WI Statutes, Open Meeting Laws, Robert's Rules, etc.