Internet Landing Installed Device Sensor (I-LIDS)
Preventative Monitoring of Boat Launches
Example of a Solar Powered I-LIDS System
I-LIDS is a self –contained, solar powered system installed at boat launches to prevent the spread of AIS through video capture and remote inspection of boats and trailers entering a water body. The audio message provides education to boaters using the lake.
The goal of I-LIDS system is to capture boats entering and leaving the lake when we are unable to have AIS inspectors on site to educate the users and discover any potential AIS violations. The captured videos are uploaded to the cloud and can be viewed by the I‐LIDS company and staff. Any AIS violations are forwarded to local law enforcement for appropriate action. The main goal isn’t to catch violators, but to help remind boaters to take the time to inspect their boats and make sure they are not entering or leaving our lakes with AIS attached.
Prevention requires monitoring of boat launches to lakes. While in person monitoring is ideal, challenges such as costs, availability, scheduling, training, still exist. To reduce the risk of a visitor launching at an odd hour, it's important to be on duty all the time.
Environmental Sentry Protection, LLC has developed an un-manned system to monitor boat landing activities, capture video events, and make this information for available for review by lake constituents and officials. It is an onsite solution to capture boater activities to ensure compliance with the Aquatic Invasive Species clean-off laws so lakes can be protected from the extensive impact of new exotic species.
Features include:
Continuous (7x24) video capture of launches
Vehicle identification
Analysis of visitor clean off compliance
Web access to historical videos
Configurable video duration
Standalone deployment (no power or communications lines)
Rugged housing to withstand abuse
Seasonal installation at boat launches
Remote management and diagnostics
Camera height veiwpoint
How the I-LIDS System Works...
Sign posted on the I-LIDS system at Church Pine Lake public access ramp
The video capture is performed through a wireless Internet Video Camera which transmits images to a local access point that can either have a DSL/Cable connection or simple store the images on a local system for later retrieval. Another option is to locally cache the video images at the system.
At the same time the I-LIDS system utilizes advanced sensors that tell it when a boater has entered the launch area and turns on video monitoring of the bottom of the boat to identify whether there are aquatics present on the trailer or boat. It also captures clean off activity by the user.
Authorized users are allowed to login to the website to gather statistical information on the landing activities or to playback video of the launch to ensure that no invasives were present on the vehicles using the launch zone. Future enhancements will enable automated identification of the presence of aquatics and alert constituents.
Field testing has shown a clear behavioral difference in the compliance of boaters when this system is present at the launch. The same way the presence of a highway patrolman on the freeway ensures traffic comply with the laws.
The video capture is performed through a wireless Internet Video Camera which transmits images to a local access point that can either have a DSL/Cable connection or simple store the images on a local system for later retrieval. Another option is to locally cache the video images at the system.
Sample video captured May of 2021. Sight lines are designed to provide optimal points on a boat trailer that may contain AIS
Authorized users are allowed to login to the website to gather statistical information on the landing activities or to playback video of the launch to ensure that no invasives were present on the vehicles using the launch zone. Future enhancements will enable automated identification of the presence of aquatics and alert constituents.
Field testing has shown a clear behavioral difference in the compliance of boaters when this system is present at the launch. The same way the presence of a highway patrolman on the freeway ensures traffic comply with the laws.
Church Pine Landing Launch Reports
Year to Date Launch Reports
Year End Final Comprehensive Reports
Church Pine Landing Launch Statistics
Please click below to view a detailed report of launch activity on Church Pine Lake in 2022
2022 Church Pine Lake Launch Activity (By Month)
2022 Church Pine Lake Launch Activity (By Hour of Day)
2022 Church Pine Lake Launch Activity (By Day of the Week)
For help accessing, please follow the quick start guide located on the tab above.
See Below for Highlights from each month from the previous season:
I-LIDS Video Access
System Specifications
Sensor is triggered only by presence of vehicle or trailer
Duration of video configurable from 20 seconds to 5 minutes
Maintenance window with clock for daily verification of operation
Hardened stainless steel housing with impact proof dome and lens
Tamper proof bolts
Concrete mounting plate for making adjustments to viewing angle
Rechargeable batteries run up to 16 hours without recharge
Photovoltaic Array (Solar Panel) power generation
Solar controller prevents overcharging or over utilization
Image storing and archiving to save history
Quickstart Guide for I-LIDS Video Playback
Fast Internet connection
Modern Browser (Chrome preferred, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi tested working)
Playback video sequence is a H264 codec in a MP4 container. Most modern browsers and operating systems should have the necessary codecs for playing the video.
Steps to view recordings:
go to the Sentry Environmental Protection I-LIDS Website (this will open a new window or tab)
Enter the User ID and Password (case sensitive)
Username: churchpine
Password: password
3. Select Members section
4. From the first drop down box, select Church Pine Lake
5. From the second drop down box, select Church Pine Launch to view, then click Access
Click to Enlarge
6. Enter date range you want to view videos for.
Dates entered do not need leading zeros, but year cannot be four digits. “5/1/20” works but “5/1/2020” does not.
You can also elect to not fill in dates in which case you will see all launches for the year displayed.
If you don’t want to see videos other people have viewed, be sure to click on Non-Viewed Videos Only.
Click on Save Dates
Click to Enlarge
7. Select Display Launch Videos to display all links to videos.
You should see a report in date order that has blue and white lines.
Each of the lines in this table is a clickable link that will open up a new video window. Find a video of interest and click on it.
If you click on the top link for Play HTML5 Sequence, all videos will play in that window.
Videos played individually will be marked as being viewed.
Playing back a sequence requires you to click on Modify Views when you are done to mark videos as being viewed.
Click to Enlarge
6. Select Display Launch Statistics to show the number of videos available by date.
If you notice that all of the videos for one or more of your selected dates have already been viewed, re-enter your date range to select dates which are non-viewed.
7. Clicking on a new video link will create a new tab (or window depending on what browser you are using)